Several threatened and
endangered animal
species share the waters and shorelines of the Northwest Discovery
Water Trail. These animals range from the western pond turtle and bald
eagle, to certain species of fish, such as steelhead, bull trout and
salmon. The stories of declining species and the ongoing efforts to help
restore their populations are intertwined with the human stories of
survival and development.
For many, salmon define the spirit of the
Pacific Northwest.
Salmon have been central to the culture, religion and livelihood of the
region’s native people for thousands of years. Salmon are anadramous
fish. This means they are born in freshwater, mature at sea and return
upstream to spawn and die in the stream where their lives began. This
cycle can take years and thousands of miles journeying through fresh and
saltwater. There are five species of Pacific salmon found along the
trail: Chinook, chum, sockeye, coho and pink.
Bull trout are no longer found throughout their native waters. Today
they survive only in some upper tributary streams and several lake and
reservoir systems. Some bull trout spend their entire lives close to
where they hatched. They are cold water fish and more sensitive to
increased water temperature, poor
water quality, and low water flow than salmon.
Humans are also affected by water quality and climate conditions.
Care and study of threatened and endangered species is important to us
For more information on endangered species go to:
Other Wildlife
The variety and number of wild animals match the wide diversity of
landforms found near the Northwest Discovery Water Trail. Native animals
will sometimes appear in huge numbers at unexpected places or be hard
to find at refuges designed to protect them. Birds, mammals, and
reptiles are part of the fascinating array of
sights and sounds on the river.
Water birds, such as the gull and great blue heron, join raptors
like vultures, eagles and osprey overhead. At certain times flocks of
hundreds of geese and swans are migrating. Numerous other seasonal or
resident waterfowl can be found in marshes and wetlands. Swallows dart
quickly by on their hunt for water loving insects. Songbirds use
shrubs and trees to
nest and feed. Deer and elk use river and stream valleys as places to
browse, drink and rest. Bighorn sheep and marmots appear high above on
rocky outcrops, finding patches of grasses to eat. Sightings of beaver
and river otter are not uncommon.
Refuges are one way to save native habitat for plants and wildlife,
and to support fish and other water dwellers. Local, state, and federal
natural areas, and
refuges have different regulations and closures during nesting or
critical times for the survival of various species. Please observe
wildlife with care, watch where you are stepping on fragile shoreline,
and take only pictures from these special places.
Respect wildlife. Do not approach animals or attempt to feed them.
If animals approach you while on the water, it is okay to let them, but
do not move toward them. When moving on, do so directly away from the
animal or its current path.