A 1,000-hectare low lying flat polder
land situated on the north side of Wexford Harbour was reclaimed from
the sea in 1847. A two and a half mile long dyke was built from north of
the Raven Point at the entrance of the harbour to the shore at
Ardcavan, one and a half miles northeast of Wexford. This dyke enclosed
2,500 acres of mud flats and several islands the most important of which
are Begerin Island, Big Island and Middle Island. These islands which
comprise about 150 acres of the North Slobland stand out as low ridges
in the other wise flat landscape.
The North Slob is roughly semi circular in shape, the sea-dyke
forming the east-west diameter. A horseshoe shaped wide and shallow
channel runs through the slob, ending abruptly at the sea-dyke near its
east and west extremities.
This channel acts as a reservoir for the rainwater draining off the
Sloblands and as the water rises in the channel it is pumped into
Wexford Harbour via a pump-station on the sea-dyke at the west end of
the channel.
Sloblands are below sea level. The reclaimed mudflats were divided up
into large fields and kept dry by constant pumping. For about 100 years
much of the Sloblands provided rough summer grazing for livestock,
although parts were cultivated for cereals and root crops.
The North Slob in Wexford is internationally famous for its wintering flock of 10,000 Greenland Whitefronted Geese (approximately one third of the world population), and for the wintering flocks of Brent Geese, Bewick's Swans and Wigeon. The North Slob is also very attractive to many other species of wildfowl and birds with almost 250 species now recorded.
There are many excellent vantage points to observe the birds and other fauna on the Wexford Sloblands.
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